Our PTA is made up of amazing parents and staff who organise several events throughout the academic year to raise funds to help improve children’s educational experiences.
Parents’ Association (PTA)
Money raised over the past few years has made it possible for the school to paint designs on the playgrounds, enabling hours and hours of fun for our children. In addition, money raised has been used to build outdoor shelter for children when using the library and during playtime. We are currently raising funds to renovate our outdoor learning spaces i.e. wellbeing gardens and the pond area. Once these areas are ready, children will be able to relax and reset in wellness gardens as well as explore the pond area with our ODL teacher, learning about habitats.
The PTA meet at the start of each half term to plan ahead and discuss future ideas. All parents and staff are welcome to these meetings. A more formal meeting, the annual AGM, is held in October. Here committee members elect new members, sign off accounts and agree events for the academic year ahead.
Additional Fundraising takes place through Easy Fund Raising. If you would like to support this, please visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk/Darlinghurstpta and every time you shop, you’ll earn a donation for us and it won’t cost you a penny. Over 2700 retailers are linked to Easy Fund Raising:
Amazon, ASOS, Argos, John Lewis, Tesco, Sainsburys, M&S, Next, Superdry, dune, Premier Inn, play.com, you can even book your holidays! Just download the easyfundraising app to start raising funds.
If you are interested in joining the PTS or have any questions, please email us at darlinghurstpta@hotmail.com