School Day

Our school day is 8.40am to 3.10pm

The main gate and side gate opens at 8.30am and 3.10pm (KS1 & 2)

The Reception gate opens at  8:35am

The Nursery gate opens at 8:50am and 3.35pm  to allow access for Nursery parents and carers.

The classrooms are open at 8.45am. The register must be closed by 8.50am. If your child comes in after 8.45am, they will be marked in as being late.

Please let the teacher or the office know if someone else is collecting your child. We will not let your child leave school if we are unsure or have not been informed of a change of usual arrangements.


· Morning session 08:50am – 11:50am

· Afternoon session 12:35pm – 15:35pm


· EYFS engage in free-flow across the day with access to indoor and outdoor spaces.

· A healthy snack is provided for all children in reception.

Key Stage1

Break is in the morning and children are provided with a healthy snack or they can bring their own.

Key stage 2

 Break is in the morning and the children can bring a healthy snack.